How to add to Advanced Side Box
By default the plugin adds <!--OUGC_FEAMEM--> only to the portal template. However, it is possible to paste this code in almost any template to outpu...

By default the plugin adds <!--OUGC_FEAMEM--> only to the portal template. However, it is possible to paste this code in almost any template to output the featured member container.

To add the container follow the next steps:
  1. Go to Home » Advanced Sidebox » Custom Boxes » Add New Custom Box to add a custom ASB box.
  2. Name: OUGC Featured Member
  3. Description: Shows a member information anywhere in the forum.
  4. Use Template: unchecked
  5. Contet: <!--OUGC_FEAMEM-->

Now you should be able to display the feature box in your portal using the ASB plugin.


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Current time: 14 Feb, 2025 6:13 pm