Upgrade  OUGC Spoiler appearing inside [code] tag
The plugin makes the spoiler code nested inside the code to be displayed as a spoiler. Is there a way to stop this from happening

The plugin makes the spoiler code nested inside the code to be displayed as a spoiler. Is there a way to stop this from happening?
Hi, I'm reading your thread after 10 days mostly because I never noticed, I need to check if these side boxes aren't being updated because I check this site quite frequently.

Anyways, I provided support in the community forums for this issue (to you, actually), so I will just share the link below:

This should be fixed in the now current stable release. Thanks for your report and follow up.

Edited 18 Feb, 2021, 5:47 pm by Omar G..

Current time: 11 Mar, 2025 4:23 am